Cloud costs
November 20, 2023
min read

Drone 3.0 - redefining next 10 years of simplicity & innovation in open source CI/CD


Over the past decade Drone has disrupted the market with its simplicity and ease of use, growing to 10,000+ self-hosted installations. With 30k+ github stars and a robust, active open source community, Drone is a leader in container-driven Continuous Integration

Teams choose Drone because it is simple, self-service, and you can be up and running in minutes.

Drone over the past decade has flourished through its vibrant open source community with over 100m pulls on DockerHub, 100,000+ active users, and 250+ contributors.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for being a part of the incredible Drone community. Your unwavering support, dedication, and contributions have made this open-source project the success it is today.

With this change we are adding native Source Control management capabilities, which includes support for essential features like code hosting, pull requests, code reviews and more. This is a major evolution of Drone, from Continuous Integration to a full fledged Developer Platform. All under the Apache 2 license.

Drone Community

For the existing Drone community and customer base, nothing will change. You can continue to use Drone and don’t have to migrate to gitness. 

Drone will also continue to integrate with GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Bitbucket Server, Gitea, Gogs, and Azure Devops.

Drone will always remain open-source, and Harness will invest significantly over the coming years to its community, platform, and mission. 


The power of open source development lies in the collaboration and collective effort of passionate individuals like you. Your commitment to improving Drone, sharing your expertise, and helping fellow community members has driven innovation, efficiency, and quality in our project.

You can follow the roadmap here Please submit your ideas and feedback to help us prioritize the roadmap.


As we move forward, we look forward to even greater achievements and advancements with your continued support. The future holds exciting opportunities for our project, and with your dedication, we are confident that Drone will continue to be a leading force in the open-source world.

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Continuous Integration
Continuous Delivery & GitOps